Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana
bio father wants rights after 3 years and no support
Father has not been involved since I was 20 weeks pregnant - never acknowledges his daughter..not once...and now after contacting him 3 years later...he asks for a paternity test and is contesting the adoption. . . . my husband of 2 and a half years wants to adopt her..he's been in her life since she was one month old...My question is what evidence in court can help my case.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: bio father wants rights after 3 years and no support
Sounds like you have most of the evidence needed. Although your description is pretty vague. What do you mean he was not involved after 20 weeks? What efforts did you make in the three years if any? Did you contact him when the baby was born? Did he know you had the child or was he compeltely gone after 20 weeks?