Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

Breaking a court order

The court ordered that my ex and I only communicate by writing at the exchange of our son at the local jail unless there is ny emergency because everytime we spoke we got into a fight. Anyway my ex spoke to me a few weeks ago asking that I make sure our son brings backs his cell phone charger at the next exchange. I just noded my head and didn't think much of it beings he didn't say anything offending. Well last night he called my cell phone, I didn't answer because I thought if there was an emergency he would leave a message but he didn't. I also don't know why he would have been calling me anyway because I had our son. So my question is; Even though he didn't say anything offending and the second time we didn't actually talk he did break the court order right? Could he get in any trouble for that?

Asked on 11/14/07, 11:02 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Breaking a court order

Is he breaking the order, yes. Will the court hold him in contempt? Maybe.

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Answered on 11/14/07, 11:06 am

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