Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

Child guardianship

My husband and I were awarded temporart emergency guardianship of our two nieces last year. We have been going to court since then over and over due to continuences. My sister in law, mother of the children, finally obtained an attorney for the last court appearance and due to the cost of our attorney we are now without legal representation. We go back to court for the last time next week and are wondering what we can expect now that we do not have an attorney representing us. I know it is going to look bad that we were not able to continue paying for one but we still feel that the children are better off with us. My sister in law has a 3rd child that is still in foster care in Alabama where she resides. The state of Alabama has not returned her son to her and we cannot see how Indiana would return these two to her. Please tell us what we may be facing with this next court date since we don't have an attorney any longer. Thank you.

Asked on 12/11/07, 7:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Child guardianship

No one can answer this question for you without having the specifics of the case. You basically need to show that the children are at serious risk if with their mother and that they have doen well under your care. Good Luck

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Answered on 12/12/07, 5:44 pm

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