Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

child support arrearage

I am the custodial parent, divorce May 1997, have returned to court for contempt charges many times, but unable to get resolution because ex is self employed. My youngest is now 19, shipping out with US Army May 18, 09. Father has not taken steps to have son emancipated. Arrearage is now 30K. Can arrearage be pursued separately in civil action, as father has assets (many) but has resided and contributed to same partner, with whom he has now 4 additional children. No assets are in his name, and they have avoided marriage to keep him under the radar. Attorney has repeatedly asked for tax returns, but ex remains in contempt. I want out of his back pocket, so I can move forward, have managed to raise both children successfully, as they are now productive, responsible adults. My ex lives very near, locating him is not an issue. He has been in the same residence for 10 years. I have an upcoming appointment with my original attorney who has represented my throughout these years. Each contempt results in a slap on his hand and a smirk on his face. How can the system be so easily manipulated by him, and any advice in my moving forward? Visitation has not been an issue, as he has chosen not to take advantage of this right.

Asked on 4/10/09, 10:42 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: child support arrearage

You have an attorney who has the most knowledge about the facts of your case, your best bet is to talk with him.

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Answered on 4/10/09, 3:40 pm

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