Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana
I want to go to college but my parents and I don't get along. To obtain grants and sign for loans my parents need to co-sign unless i have legal documents proving my independence. How do i become emancipated legally. Oh and about me; I never see my parents,I live alone, and i'm age 19.
I appreciate any help you might give me. Thank You , Mark
Asked on 5/04/10, 1:15 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
You will need to file for emancipation in court. However,
check with Financial Aid to see if there is any way around
what your parents are doing.
Answered on 5/09/10, 2:25 pm
Jay Rigdon
Rockhill Pinnick LLP
You are already legally emancipated at age 18. Talk to your financial aid counselor, as you can sign loans right now, but probably not the more advantageous ones.
Answered on 5/10/10, 6:07 am