Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

I am the custodial parent. My former husband has visitations. This is my son's first year in Little League. My ex husband has told the coaches he does not want him playing, because it may take up his parenting time. I made arrangements with him that would allow him not to loose any time during his midweek visitation. (I will change days so our son can play.) We also agreed for him to drop him off before a game so he could get dressed and equipment. I would them take him to the game and bring him home to change clothes then take our son to our meeting spot. (This is because he stated he will not take any equipment or clothes for the game). Today, he refused to leave my house. I told him we would meet him at the game so that he shows up prepared for the game. He refused. He then waited until I was occupied and took him and left without informing me. After the game he filled my son's head with very bad information about me so that my son is not hurt and will not speak to me. my son comes back from his visitations depressed and even the school has contacted me. Is there anything I can legally do to protect my son from his father?

Asked on 5/22/10, 3:08 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Please rewrite and repost this question. I am having problems following who is "he" at times. Please refer to the ex as the ex and your son as your son when reposting. Thank you.

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Answered on 5/25/10, 11:10 am

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