Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana
Divorce: Children's Extra curricular activities
Is there any set guidelines that a judge has to stay within when deciding what expense he can mandate the parents to pay for the children. My ex income has been around 450-500,000 for the last eight years. After twenty one years of being a stay at home mom, my income is $22,000 plus CP, $14,000, plus property distribution $60,000. Total: $96,000. The ex's took all nine companies, our home, and I took a pay out over six years. The court is making me use all of my property distribution to provide for 50% of private school, my kids cars, insurance, cell phones, private sport clubs the belong to, etc. Not to mention all the things my daughters want. Last year I had to spend $48,000 just to comply with order. I can't buy a house. Now the judge has reduced my ex's support. What can I do, surely he can't make me pay for ''private school''. That expense was based on my ex's spendable income.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Divorce: Children's Extra curricular activities
I don't understand why this was not brought up when he modified support. I suggest that if you have an attorney, you ask him or her these questions as your attorney is most knowledgeable of all of the facts in your case. If you do not have an attorney, you need to hire one.
Good luck