Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

Modifying Custody- Are my resaons to modify good enough?

My ex and I share joint custody 50/50 of our son. His ex-girlfriend and some other people have witnessed personally & told me my ex is growing/using/selling marijuana around my son and has driven under the influence with him in the car. He also hasn't been using a child safety seat which I have witnessed myself. He is also allowing other people to take our son to the doctor without consulting me first to see if I would like to take him which I feel is wrong, I'm the mother I should have the opportunity before another party. He also has been leaving our child with other parties when he goes out ingnoring the fact we are supposed to be following the first right of refusal. He also has had 9 different people living with him since our divorce. I had an interview with a Gaurdian Ad Litem who is going to make a recomendation to the court of who she thinks our son should be with. She told me that I really don't have anything on my ex and that I am basically waisting her and the judges time. She said her and the judge don't care who brings my son to the doctor as long as he gets there and that as long as the people whom have lived with Adam and the marijuana issue hasn't affected our son there is no problem. My question is; is she right?

Asked on 1/04/08, 3:44 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Modifying Custody- Are my resaons to modify good enough?

No, she is not right, especially if you have joint custody.

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Answered on 1/04/08, 3:47 pm

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