Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana
moving from home to another city
I took my son and moved out while
huband was out of town because I
felt threatend. He is very volitol and
controlling. I filled out the papers to file for divorce before leaving -
called him when close to my home
town 4 hours away to tell him. Was not filed until late the next day or maybe even the day after.
He is pettioning to have the baby
returned saying that he had to have notice. I am not leaving my child in custody with him so I would have to move back. I have a new
job as a nurse at the hospital where I had a loan that will be paid
off if I work there for the next 2 years. I have family support for myself and the baby. We are 4 hours away from where my husband and I formerly resided.
He has harassed me ever since I left. called child protection agency
when he knows the baby is in good hands. He told me if I ever left him that he would make me miserable.
He controlled every aspect of our marriage, money, home, etc.
Can he force me to move?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: moving from home to another city
Possibly. There is a proper procedure that you failed to follow. You really need to hire an attorney ASAP.