Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

I have an order to pay child support in Noble County, Indiana. The child is four years old. I was paying regularly, until one night I was shot while trying to stop a guy from breaking into a car at my work place. The bullet went through both my legs (taking out my femoral artery on the left, and shattering my femur, on the right, into six pieces). The many surgeries that I received caused major nerve and muscle damages throughout my legs. The insurance company doctor said I was ok to go back to work, but I wasn't able to walk/stand for very long amounts of time, and lost my job as a bartender. Since then, I have not been able to find a job. Nobody wants to hire a guy that can't work fast, or can move around very well. I have a 9th grade education, so any desk job is out of the question. Now, I am two years behind in child support. I have a subpoena to appear on April 30 to answer why I am behind. Do you think I am going to jail? Also, with my situation, do you think the judge would drop my ordered support amount down, considering the circumstances?

Asked on 4/12/12, 10:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You need to hire a local attorney. Based on the information provided you may be entitled to free legal representation and should contact Indiana Legal Services, Do you have a Workers compensation case? If not, you should contact an attorney to handle that for you. You also may want to consider filing for Social Security Disability.

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Answered on 4/20/12, 6:45 pm

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