Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana
What is the significance of joint physical custody terminology?
My soon to be ex-husband and I are fighting over the details of our divorce decree. We have agreed upon a schedule where he keeps our daughter 5 nights every two weeks and I have her the remaining 9 nights.
In the divorce decree that my attorney drafted, he stated that I would be the primary physical custodian and my ex would have the 5 overnights parenting time. The ex is being very nit-picky and insists upon the decree stating we have joint physical custody, though he is agreeable to the actual schedule.
What is the significance of joint physical custody terminology in the decree, if we ultimately agree on the parenting time schedule? Would it change anything in the long run?
Note: We have agreed to joint legal custody.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Your attorney is in the best position to answer this question as he knows all of the particulars of your case. Ask him.