Legal Question in Family Law in Indiana

Asking stepchild to leave the home

My stepson has always lived with us in our home. Upon graduation of hs he was told he would be expected to pay rent to stay here. He got a job, enrolled in classes at local university and paid rent. Since then he has quit his job, got a girlfriend and quit school. He was told he was still expected to pay his rent and did so until the well ran dry. He and hi girl are here almost daily for 2 meals and his rent money his been hit and miss for the last 5 months. He will be 20 next month, his girl is 19. His job search has been less than acceptable, his attitude defiant and his contribution to the household bsaically absent. 2 questions...Can I legally prevent his girlfriend from visiting our home with a court/restraining order? Can I legally demand my stepson move out?

Asked on 5/19/09, 4:20 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Asking stepchild to leave the home

Assuming that the girlfriend has not moved in, you need to evict him legally. If she has moved in, you need to evict her also.

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Answered on 5/19/09, 8:31 am
Jay Rigdon Rockhill Pinnick LLP

Re: Asking stepchild to leave the home

Sure you can ask him. If he physically refuses, then you may need to take legal action to remove him, but not until then.

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Answered on 5/19/09, 4:41 pm

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