Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Indiana

My situation is that I am an college student who has helped a single mother out by buying her groceries, furniture, and her computer. However, after she got on a dating site, someone has been sending that guy text messages about a police officer and I am accused of it. Can I get all the things I paid for especially her bills which combined a total of about 3 grand and the other combined 6 grand. I am falsely accused for sending these messages. I know she is just using me as she already took my roommate to side with her.want to find out if it is possible to file fraud on my card on the things I paid for her as that way she will have to get to pay for it. She also have accused me of going on to COURTVIEW (a public record) and find her information as those are public or it wouldn't be online and have also said that I have hacked into her computer and I would never do that since I like her.

Asked on 4/11/10, 6:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

It is unclear from your posting whether the help that you gave was a gift. If so, you are out iof luck. Also, based on the fact presented it does not sound as if you have a fraud case.

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Answered on 4/16/10, 7:17 pm

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