Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Indiana
Estate settlement after death of spouse
A husband and wife of 38 years, wife and adult daughter surviving after death of husband/father. Wife is blind, but mentally sound. Daughter is trying to get mother to sign over all possessions and give her power of attorney. There is a will, that was prepared many many years ago, lawyer who prepared will is deceased. Daughter of surviving widow wants to sell the property, vehicle and take control of estate, which she says she is executor of estate. Daughter has tried to gain access to lock box at bank, but has not been allowed to.
Widow fears that daughter will make her sign documents that she does not want to sign, take over the estate and put her in a nursing home, which is not her desire. The widow has no other immediate family, but widow has voiced to other relatives (cousins) that what the daughter wants is not her wishes. She is fearful of her daughter and son in law. The daughter is telling her mother that mother will just have to do what daughter decides and live a new life the way the daughter decides.
The widow has been told she isn't allowed to cry at the funeral and the widow is to turn all affairs over to the daughter. Daughter has searched widows house for legal papers and contacted attorney
to get legal control
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Estate settlement after death of spouse
A long set of facts but no question.
Best advice - widow needs to get to a lawyer herself. With the Will in hand.