Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Indiana

My husband is the sole beneficiary to his grandmother estate. The lawyer (hired by his grandmother before she passed) told my husband that her house and personal belongings inside the house must be sold before the estate can be settled. He suggest we hold an estate sale to sell the items inside and also auction off the house, and they have provided us the name of a man who can handle all of it as he is in the estate sell business. There is also around $20,000 in stocks and $5,000 in cash left in the estate (after numerous final bills have been paid). We wanted to keep the house. Can't he just put our names on the house deed and close the estate? We just don't understand. We do not know if this lawyer has been paid or not. We live out of state and are communicating by mail. My husband is the co-executor of the will, along with the lawyer's wife. Please advise.

Asked on 8/25/10, 3:52 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jay Rigdon Rockhill Pinnick LLP

Get the will and consult with another attorney in the county where her home is. There are red flags about this situation that should be talked about with someone else immediately.

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Answered on 8/30/10, 6:36 am

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