Legal Question in Business Law in Iowa

As an owner-operater, I was under contract to a small LLC trucking company in Iowa for 80% of gross revenue to the truck. In November 2007 the owner pulled the base plate off my truck while in the shop with no prior notice. I paid the sticker fee of $1,900.00 wich was for one year, leaving 1 and 1/2 mos. The contract reads that either party can end the contract with a two week written or verbal notice, which neither was given by the owner. I am out $8,000.00+ net revenue. Do I have any recourse for breach of contract by the owner?

Asked on 12/22/09, 8:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Thomas Moens Moens Law Offices, Chartered

It would depend on the terms of the contract you have with the owner. An attorney would need to review that contract to advise you properly.

By the very nature of Law Guru, you have only provided limited facts and no documentation, therefore, our response to your question is treated only as a hypothetical, and as such it is merely general in nature. You should not rely on this response in taking or forgoing action in your circumstances without discussing this matter with an attorney. If we had the opportunity to ask you sufficient questions and review relevant documents so that we were satisfied we had all of the relevant facts and circumstances, our response might differ significantly. Without the opportunity to ask you questions, and review all relevant documents and memoranda, we are simply unable to provide any form of legal advice. Our response to your question does not create any attorney-client relationship between us, and we are not acting as your attorney. We reserve the right to decline representation in any case. By answering your question, we are under no obligation to answer further questions. There are very specific deadlines for filing a lawsuit, replying to a lawsuit filed against you, or taking other action in order to preserve your legal rights. You should contact an attorney immediately in order to be fully advised of your rights, and so that you are aware of those deadlines. If you fail to act within the required time frame, you might be forever barred from asserting your rights or defending your position.

A lawyer�s time and advice are his stock and trade.

Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser - in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough. Abraham Lincoln

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Answered on 12/28/09, 8:13 am

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