Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Iowa
plz help? i had given premission to use my friend davids credit card i used it on some of my stuff i need to pay but i was only supposed to use it for him like buyin food for him or parts. it's been 7 months now his friend John which is his power of attorny and medical attorny found out i was using it for my self he totaled the charges for seven months the total is $17,000. he gave me a chocie to pay it one lump some and forget about the whole thing (it's been about 3 months since he's caught me and now is givin me this chocie)or if i can't,and he turn me into police. i know for a fact he add some bills that david payed for and is chargin me for them. my questions are.... 1.can he jus turn me in or is it up to david if he wants to press charges and if he does turn me into police what will happen next? (investagation or aresst) 2. how can they prove what purches were mine or davids?(david has Dementia he can't remeber what he purshesd) 3. this is my first offense i am 19 and have a clean record what is the possbilty i woild get charged or sentce?
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