Legal Question in Criminal Law in Iowa
Had a 24 yr old female roaming neighborhood that had reached thru car window & punched male in face shortly before she showed up at my house and tried to steal my truck. I screwed up & left keys under the seat. As she tries to leave with it she hits utility pole, backs up into older truck I own, goes forward into a friend's truck knocking tie rod out (on friend's truck), backs up again, goes forward again wedging my truck between pole & friend's truck before we got her out of vehicle just as cops show up & she screams "this is truck they told me to steal". The girl had been drinking, she had drank 2 beers left crushed cans by my truck along with 2 full cans of beer on the ground. Now in the paper it says she's charged with burglary (for punching guy) & taking vehicle without owners consent. She's got $4707.44 in unpaid fines (2006-present). I don't think she should been given just a slap on the wrist. She has been in & out of trouble & we overheard 1 officer state "we should just let her go". Sorry for long drawn out question but not sure what to do or can be done without suing her. She goes to court next week any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time!
1 Answer from Attorneys
I'm at a loss to figure out what legal question you're asking me.
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