Legal Question in Family Law in Iowa


my ex wife is coming after me for old medical bills from 1998. she did not give me any copies of the bills at all, so i was not aware of any being out there. i lost my job and was not able to afford medical coverage for myself or anyone else at that time. she did not inform me of anything pertaining to my kids. now she wants a large amount of money from me and i feel like if she would have gotten them to me on time i could have made some kind of arrangement to pay on them. can you please tell me how much time she has to file a law suit against me as i feel she has had plenty of time and has not done anything about it until now. its been 8 years now and she should of done it sooner if she needed the bills paid.please get back to me soon as i have a week to respond to her lawyer, thank-you,steve

Asked on 12/08/06, 1:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Luedeman solo practitioner

Re: medical

If you were ordered to pay the medical bills as part of a court order for support or alimony, they likely survive as long as the obligation for support exists.

If the children have reached the age of majority or the court has dissolved the support order, too much time has passed. You haven't given me enough facts to determine either way what has happened.

I suggest that you hire an attorney to represent you and let her take you to court.

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Answered on 12/08/06, 2:28 pm

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