Legal Question in Employment Law in Iowa

Educational Agreement

I accepted a new position with my employer, and I signed an agreement that I would take 3 classes that would help me with my new position. If I left or was terminated within 2 years, I would have to pay back the tuition for the classes. 100% -First year, 50%- second year. I found another job and it hasn't been a year. They are now requiring me to pay back 100% of the tuition. I did not take one of the classes, and the other is only half the amount that was on the agreement. I did take another class, but that was not on the agreement. I called a lawyer in town here, and he said to let them sue me. The amount is $5797.00 which is for the half of one of the classes, and the full amount for the other 2 (one of them not on the agreement). Also I told them I had another job that I was going to accept, and they escorted me out that day. Should I let them sue me, and if so, how long do they have to do so, and will it affect my credit? I feel the agreement I signed is not valid anymore since it was never ammended, and also them terminating me without cause.

Asked on 5/04/07, 4:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Educational Agreement

Generally, it is going to be a bad idea to just sit back and wait to get sued. It is usually far better to proactively attempt to resolve the matter.

Of course, it may be the case that there is nothing you can do but sit and wait if the employer is not willing to work anything out with you.

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Answered on 5/06/07, 3:46 pm

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