Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Iowa

Where can we find a 20 year old will?

We are trying to locate a will from about 20 years ago. We aren't really sure if there even was one, but we need to know one way or another. Can you please direct us as to where we will need to start looking? The will would more than likely be on record somewhere in Iowa. We appreciate any and all help you may be able to provide us with. This could possibly be very important to our future and our childrens future as well.

Thank you.

Asked on 10/18/00, 1:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Bernard Greenberg KOKISH & GOLDMANIS, P.C.

Re: Where can we find a 20 year old will?

If the Will was offered for probate, you should check in the Probate Court for the County in which the person was living when they died. You may have to search several counties.

Also, you could contact other people who may know the decedent and find out if they had an attorney or if their estate was ever filed.

Good luck.

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Answered on 11/15/00, 9:51 am

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