Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Iowa

inhertiance & past child support

My husband's paternal grandmother passed away in June, and his father recieved a good lum of money from her. We are wondering how we can find out the amount of the inhertiance because he owes over $30000 in past child support to my mother-in-law for his 3 kids. The amount he owes is on record with the court system, so he is considered a deadbeat dad, and if he inhierted over $30K than my mother-in-law wants paid up to divide between the kids and herself. Could you please advise me to were we could go to find out this information? Thank you very much!

Asked on 10/07/01, 10:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jeffrey R. Gottlieb Law Offices of Jeffrey R. Gottlieb, LLC

Re: inhertiance & past child support

If he received the inheritance through a probate estate then there should be a record of it in the court file, which is public record. Contact the probate court in the county where the decedent lived and see if a probate estate has been opened. If he received it another way -- through a trust, joint tenancy, beneficiary desgination, etc., then it will be a bit more difficult. You would probably need to petition the court to require disclosure. Good luck.

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Answered on 11/21/01, 3:35 pm

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