Legal Question in Criminal Law in Kansas

relaese of evidence

I have been charged with a criminal felony. In the court documents it states that things were said in the police intergation, that I did not say. They police said it was recorded, but when my attorney ask for the evidence from the prosecuting attorney they seem not to have anything. What is my rights in this situation, as the states the police made is what made the DA press charges. Could you please adivise/

Asked on 3/04/07, 9:59 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

Re: relaese of evidence

You appear to already have an attorney in this matter, so no one here can give you specific advice as to yoru particular case. However, generally, a criminal defendant always has the righ to have their cousel examine the evidence to be presented against their client. If the state cannot produce the tapes and there is regular practice of recording such interrogations, then the absence can be brought up as information tending to discount the vailidity of an officer's testimony as to what a defendant said.

Good Luck

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Answered on 3/06/07, 1:10 am

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