Legal Question in Family Law in Kansas

Custody of grandaughter

My daughter had a stroke at 39 yrs old and died. We always lived together her and my grandaughter whom is 9. She has all legal physical and sole custody of her daughter and the dads name is not mentioned on the birth certificate. He just recently got visitation rights to see her. I let her visit him in Calif like to legal papers say and now he will not give her back. He wants to keep her. She is devastated and is very upset, she has only been to his house 2 times and she is going to be 9years old. How do I get guardianship of my grandaughter? my daughter did not put anything in writing she thought if anything happened she would automaticaly go to me since we have been together all their lifes. She never was married to this guy it was a fling that was all, he has a girlfriend that has been with him all this time and has had 5 kids whom all live with their moms, she is still with him and they never got married, he just wants my grandaughter to give to the girlfriend and keep her busy cause she can not have kids. Please HELP ME GET HER BACK

Asked on 1/02/08, 2:19 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Reynolds The Reynolds Law Firm

Re: Custody of grandaughter

I would need to see a copy of the current paperwork that involved your daughter and grandchild. After reviewing that document we can see what steps need to be taken legally to try and get you custody of your grandaughter. Call me to discuss this further.

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Answered on 1/02/08, 9:08 am

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