Legal Question in Family Law in Kansas

Family Laws - Becmonig Family

I'm a 26 year old guy, and there's this girl who's a friend of mine. We want to be family, (as in, legal familial privilages) but not as husband and wife, that's not the kind of relationship we have. I was wondering if there way any way for us to legally become family?

Asked on 6/09/09, 8:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

Re: Family Laws - Becmonig Family

There are several ways to become "family" with someone without getting married to them. First you could be adopted by her parents, or she by yours. This will terminate the familial relationship the adoptee now has with their biological parents. (you or she aren't part of their family anymore)

Another way is to bind yourselves to an irrevocable trust wherein you each put all your property into a trust for the care of both of you. You would neither one own the stuff on your own, but it would be there for the both of you. If either of you later get married, the property would not become marital property. If you own a home in this trust, the trustee could prevent either of you from using it for your new spouse or kids. But, an arrangemtn could possibly be worked out, wherein the one who moves in with their spouse pays 1/2 rent to the trust for the benefit lost by the other.

You were not clear, as to what "familial relationship" you are after. If you just want to feel each other's pain, or be there for one another, you do not have to do anything but be agood friend. If you want to be able to make medical decision for each other, shoudl one of you becoem incapcitated or incompetnent, there are means of establishing springing trusts and powers of attorney.

Good Luck

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Answered on 6/10/09, 12:47 pm

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