Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Kansas

Do I have a right to any of Grandfathers assets

My Grandfather passed away in December of 1999. My father was an only child and I am my fathers only child. I took 24 hour care of my grandfather for the last two years of his life after he had a stroke.

My father had not been a part of my life since I was about 5 years old. He is an alcoholic and very unresponsible. He was not able to give my grandfather appropriate care therefore I stepped in and did what I had to do. I stayed with my grandfather until he died then I moved out leaving the house, belongings and everything else assuming my father would want to collect what he many times referred to as ''what was rightfully his''.

I have not talked to my father since my grandfathers death. I only recently found out that my father never collected on anything and there is a substantially amount of money that is unclaimed. The last time I talked to my father he was in poor health from cirrhosis of the liver. I honestly do not know if he is dead or alive, although I cannot find him on any death registry.

Do I have a right to try to claim any of this money???

Asked on 3/12/07, 11:41 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

Re: Do I have a right to any of Grandfathers assets

I am assuming that your grandfather was domilciled in Missouri. It is too late to open a full probate estate for your grandfather. You may, however, bring a Petition to Determine Heirship. In that you would set out what you have reproted here, that your grandfather left no wife, nd only one child, and that your father i snext in line and then you. If your father doe snot come forward, after proper service, then the Court may grant the property to you. There is a limit on what types of property a Court will pass in such a way. If your granfather was owed money by others, statutes of limitation may prevent you from collecting it now.

You need the assitance of a probatye attorney that has accessto more of the facts than you are able to provide here. Contact one soon.

Good Luck

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Answered on 3/14/07, 2:55 pm

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