Legal Question in Disability Law in Kentucky

jiu-jitsu class

my 11 year old son wants to join a jiu-jitsu class where his 14 year old brother trains.their is another 11 year old and a 12 year old taking the same class,but they told me my 11 year old who is healthy and wants to learn is to small, the black belt instructor wants him to learn and says its not about size or strength its about technique.wouldnt this be a case for discrimination.also the owners happen to know and are friends of the other 11 year olds son is not disabled this question is about discrination only .

Asked on 8/23/07, 3:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: jiu-jitsu class

Although you are in an inappropriate category, it does not seem likely from the facts which you describe that any federal law would affect your situation. There may be some state law which would have application, but you would need to obtain that information from an attorney licensed to practice in your state.

Separate from the law, and as a black belt in Taekwondo, I would be very concerned about my child being enrolled in a martial arts school where he is not comfortable. The discipline of martial arts can be very demanding and if your son is not comfortable in the class, he may have less of a chance to succeed through no fault of his own. I would continue to look around for a school (and perhaps another discipline) where the owners/students follow principles more in line with those of their black belt instructors.

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Answered on 8/23/07, 4:27 pm

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