Legal Question in Criminal Law in Kentucky

mentally incompatant

i am being supeoned to court to testify agianst someone and i am on disability due to mental illnesses i have depression,postmantic stress disorder,anxiity,bipolor on alot of meds. i take zoloft 200mg a day,seoquel 100mg a day klonipin 0.5mg 3 times a dayand i take other meds for pain.when this insedent happed i was on all my meds. and i really dont know what i told the police i could have said it was snowing when the sun was out i really dont you can see i also have bad memory question is can the courts make me testify in this condition.thanks for your time.. Pam Boula

Asked on 10/19/07, 11:31 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Daniel Hancock Hancock Law Office

Re: mentally incompatant

Yes, the court can. You must answer the subpoena or face contempt.

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Answered on 10/20/07, 3:58 am

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