Legal Question in Family Law in Kentucky
Dangerous Father How Do I Stop Visitation Rights
I am legally seperated from my husband have been for 3 years..we never finished the divorce. I have full cutody of 3 year old, he has visitation every 2 weeks overnight. Father is dangerous right now has bad drug problem and I do not think its safe for my son to be with him. How do I get this changed...I dont have any money for a lawyer. Please help any info would be appreciated.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Dangerous Father How Do I Stop Visitation Rights
You have to file a motion to restrict visitation. For visitation to be restricted, you must make a showing of serious endangerment. If you must do this without an attorney, then go to the circuit court clerk and ask them if they have forms or can explain what they expect from you to file the motion pro se (without an attorney).