Legal Question in Family Law in Kentucky


what is the legal age a minor can move out of thier parents home without being charged as a runaway in the state of kentucky.

Asked on 5/09/08, 5:53 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Gregory Napier Troutman & Napier, PLLC

Re: minors

18 years of age.

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Answered on 5/09/08, 9:34 am
Thomas McAdam Thomas A. McAdam, III, Attorney

Re: minors

A child may move out when he or she is "emancipated" under Kentucky law. This emancipation occurs when he turns 18, or is legally married. Children under 18 can legally marry with parental permission, if aged at least 16. Otherwise, children can be married with court approval.

In Kentucky, 17-year olds can become emancipated if they join the military services with parental permission.

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Answered on 5/09/08, 3:32 pm

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