Legal Question in Family Law in Kentucky


What are the visitation rights of a grandparent when there is no divorce involved? Your child refuses to let the grandparents see there grandchildren. All phone calls are blocked unable to speak with them in any way. Needing advise as what is our rights as grandparents.?

Asked on 5/22/08, 5:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Thomas McAdam Thomas A. McAdam, III, Attorney

Re: visitation

A Kentucky statute (KRS 405.021) grants grandparents visitation rights. Nevertheless, some Kentucky courts have used the "best interests of the child" standard to limit or even deny such visitation.

You would be well advised to obtain the services of a Kentucky lawyer with some Family Law experience immediately.

You can get a referral to a Kentucky Family Law attorney by reaching the Kentucky Bar Association by telephone or on the internet. Good Luck!

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Answered on 5/22/08, 6:02 pm

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