Legal Question in International Law in Kenya
Intercontinental lottery
How do you go about finding out if the award letter for a lottery is REAL? and How would I find an attorney to handle this if it were REAL? The Lottery is called INTERCONTINENTAL LOTTERY OF SOUTH AFRICA and the letter I received states that I or an appointed attorney must go to South Africa to claim the prize winnings. I clicked on Kenya for the ocuntry but I'm not sure on what country it really is considered
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Intercontinental lottery
Don't waste your time on this one -- it is a scam. Ask yourself the basic question: did you BUY a lottery ticket? didn't think so. That is how real lotteries work. All of these scams are simply trying to induce you to ultimately pay them something to complete the process of claiming your prize, which doesn't exist.
Best wishes,
Re: Intercontinental lottery
It is not real. That simple.