Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Louisiana

This is a contract question for the state of Louisiana, my daughter and I applied for a car loan at a dealer and was approved for a loan from Capital One Autofinance on 10/22/10. We signed all the documents and left with the car on that day. Several days later I received a call for verification from Capital One. Now 17 days later they are trying to revoke the offer due to an address issue. Me and my daughter live at two different address but the dealer put my address as the address on the loan. so now that my daughter does not live at my address they are revoking the offer. Can they revoke this due to an address issue?

Asked on 11/08/11, 9:01 pm

2 Answer from Attorneys

Martha Amanda Mandi Lucas Mandie Seale Lucas

If the contract provided for it, they can. The language in the contract controls.

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Answered on 11/09/11, 10:24 am

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