Legal Question in Criminal Law in Louisiana
Accused illegitimately of child abuse.
I was arrested and imprisioned for cruelty to a juvenile, when the only thing i failed to do is report the crime to the proper authorities. I am not the child's parent, nor am I an relation to the child. I was simply staying with the family when the abuse was going on. When the police were notified, everyone in the house was arrested. The child was even able to identify his abuser. The other poeple arrested even stated that I had no part of the abuse. Please help me find the legal way out of this mess other than a plea-bargin.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Accused illegitimately of child abuse.
I suggest you retain an attorney, however, if you cannot afford an attorney the court will appoint you one.
Re: Accused illegitimately of child abuse.
Dear LawGuru Friend,
Sorry about your legal problem! You need a good lawyer who does not believe in pleading his client guilty. If you did nothing wrong, then don't seek a plea bargain. From what is stated here, a good lawyer may very well be able to convice the D.A. to dismiss the charge against you. What parish is this in? That will tell me much about this case that you have not told me in your question. How long were you imprisoned before you were able to bond out of jail? You have been damaged. You might even be able to seek recourse for what damages you have suffered as a result of this matter. I am not using this forum to solicit business, but I shall be happy to discuss this matter with you by phone should you care to call me and to discuss it. There is no charge for just talking with me. Good luck!
Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
Lake Charles
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