Legal Question in Criminal Law in Louisiana
theft over 500 dollars
my boyfriend was convicted of theft over 500 dollars . his fine is 5000 dollars. I read that the max fine can be no more than 3000 dollars. is that true? what can i do about it if its wrong?
Asked on 7/01/09, 8:45 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Raleigh Ohlmeyer
Ohlmeyer & Ohlmeyer
Re: theft over 500 dollars
You are correct. The statute specifically states that the maximum fine is $3000. The question is, were there multiple counts? I would suggest you point this out to his attorney and have him request to have the sentence amended to conform to the statute.
Raleigh Ohlmeyer III
Answered on 7/11/09, 5:29 pm
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