Legal Question in Family Law in Louisiana
child custody
i am a practing pediatric dentist, who has been supenoed to testify in a child custody dispute. If i go to testify can i bill for my time out of the office, I will have to cancel patients and my overhead(rent,employees salaries and the like will have to be met.) Please let me know if i can bill for hourly time or for a days production.
Thank you
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: child custody
Normally, witnesses answering to a subpoena are paid a nominal amount when they turn in the subpoena showing they answered it. All witnesses and jurors sacrifice time etc. when they serve so that our great justice system can function properly. The only witnesses who are granted a "fee" for testifying are those who are qualified as experts, and therefore, are allowed to render their "opinion" based on their field of expertise. So, if you are qualified as an expert in either Pediatric Dentistry or general Dentistry, the court should award you an "expert witness fee" which the court will set.