Legal Question in Family Law in Louisiana
Child Support Modification
My Ex is a long haul Truck driver and has been for 12 years.
Were are now divorce and i have sole custody of our two girls. He is to pay 600 a month child support and when the the judgement to place last nov. 02 he quit his job and stayed home so he wouldnt have to pay child support.
He did finally go to work driving long hauls from state to state. His wages were garnished and he did pay child support for a few months. Buta a month ago he quit his job long hauling across country and decided to get a job close to home and he took a big decrese in pay. Now he is bring me to court for a reduction in child support. What are the chances of him winning?
Something else, he has supervised visition but i was told he doesnt abide by that and goes places without the people who is suppose to be with him. What can i do about that?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Child Support Modification
You need an attorney. No one can tell you who will win because no one knows what your ex will say. If you want to bring up the visitation issue, you need to file some paperwork about that.