Legal Question in Family Law in Louisiana
Denial of Visitation
My husband's ex-wife got mad at him after their son obeyed me and not her in front of people. she refuses to let him see his son, after threatening to do so if he didn't reprimand me. the fact is, she has no control over their son and hates it that we do. 2 months ago, we filed contempt and requested modifications because of her denial of visitation. It has been this long since my husband has seen his son, and along with other evidence we have against her, husband would like to try to have him live with us. They have joint custody with him seeing son every other weekend and Sundays on other weekends. What do we need to have a chance at this????
He pays $500 month child support on time every month, health insurance, and 1/2 of day care for son.
I can supply you with evidence, so you will know what we have.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Denial of Visitation
The best interest of the child is what controls the situation. You do not say how old the child is, but in some courts, the child's preference is considered, especially when the child is 12 or older and shows reasonable intelligence.