Legal Question in Family Law in Louisiana
visitation on children
My question is I have two children that legally live with their father. This weekend which is Friday Jan. 19, 2007 til Sunday Jan. 21st 2007 I am suppose to have my kids for the weekend. Well I called the father and he told me that supposely his truck was broken. I was wondering what would you recommend for me to do. Last month which was Dec. 2006 he wouldn't let me see them at all. I live in Crowley Louisiana and they live in Jena Louisiana which is like 200-300 miles away from me. We are to meet like an hour away from where I live. Should I report him or should I drive 300 miles and get my kids and drive back sunday and drop them off. I have no clue what to do and I need help please let me know something.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: visitation on children
If you have a court ordered visitation schedule he is in contempt of the courts order. You would have the right to file a rule for contempt to compel him to allow visitation and he should be cast with your legal fees and court costs. Customarily the court orders the parties to meet half way and he should make arrangements to meet you at the court ordered half way point. You may need to go back to the court to get these issues resolved and to put some type of penalty clause in the ruling to get him to stop this behavior. The kids best interest is what the court is going to be concerned about. Good Luck