Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Louisiana

I bought a vehical from a 3rd party. I paid payments. I have paid it off and I have a receipt that says I paid it off. The person I bought it from took off to another state without telling me, and I had to deal with her parents ( giving the money to them to send to her.) the mother was the person who took the last payment and gave me the receipt. The vehical is in my possesion. The mother refuses to give me the title and refuses to give me the information to reach the owner. A police report has been made, and the police can not do anything about it. What can I do, to retrieve the title?

Asked on 4/26/10, 4:43 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Adam Lambert The Law Office of Adam S. Lambert

You can file suit against the owner and the parents to compel them to either (1) turn over the title (plus pay all court costs), or (2) return the money you paid for the vehicle (plus damages and court costs). If the cost of the vehicle is less than $5,000, you can sue in Small Claims Court in their local Justice of the Peace Court ($3,000 if you live in a city which has a City Court). You should probably sue where the defendants (parents, as they are still in the state) are located.

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Answered on 5/01/10, 5:54 pm

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