Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Louisiana

My boyfriend gave me a small camper that i live in. he made me get rid of my old one and gave me tis one as a gift in front of lots of witnesses. now we are not together any more and he wants to take my only home away from me. what can i do to prevent this as it was most definatly a gift

Asked on 4/05/10, 7:01 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

You will have to sue him for the camper claiming it was a gift. As a movable, it can be gifted verbally. However, if there are LOTS OF WITNESSES who I assume will be happy to testify against him, why do you need this camper? Maybe one of the witnesses can assist you with alternative housing.

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Answered on 4/10/10, 12:03 pm

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