Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Possible avenues for handling office violence

I work on a federal installation. Last week, a manager (not mine) struck me 3 times without provocation. He admitted hitting me, but insisted they were ''lovetaps'' & told his boss that he'd apologise. He's male, I'm female. He's in management, I'm an employee. Also, he is the Command attorney/ethics counselor & I'm a union official. We're both civilians; however, he's also an Army Reservist in a legal capacity. I notified my union and base security, as well as my immediate supervisor. What recourse is available to me?

Asked on 11/14/01, 2:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Possible avenues for handling office violence

There are some variables which will determine how you can proceed. My advice is that you stick with the union initially and see what options they afford. You always can bring criminal and/or civil action(s) for battery. I am curious as to which federal facility in Louisiana this occurred, since that could have an effect on your potential claim.

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Answered on 11/15/01, 4:44 pm

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