Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Career Damage

A person at my former place of employment gave false and damaging information about my job performance to a prospective supervisor in my present employment. This erroneous information cost me a much sought after promotion, as well as damaging my personal reputation and credibility with my present employer. It also caused me great emotional trauma as well. This occured 18 months ago. Do I have legal grounds to file a lawsuit against my former employer, and is there a statute of limitations for such a lawsuit?

Asked on 1/28/02, 9:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Career Damage

Simply put, you have 1 year to file suit for libel or slander, both lumped into the category of defamation. However, the 1 year commenses to run on the day injury or damage is sustained. That could mean that if you first became aware of the false statements within the last year, you may still have a chance to sue. Remember that truth is always a defense.

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Answered on 1/28/02, 10:29 pm

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