Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Cost of State Required Training

The state of La. requires certain levels of training for each employee in daycares. Upon certification, these employees can use these credentials to work at any other daycare in the state.

Who is responsible for the costs of state required training, physicals and TB shots as well as the time involved in obtaining certification, the employee or current employer?

We find inconsistancies from both the Dept. of Labor and other owners.

Asked on 11/08/01, 4:25 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Cost of State Required Training

Job certification requirements are no different here than with other types of jobs. If a daycare wishes to be licensed by the state, they must meet certain standards. Either they hire people who already meet the standards, or they pay to have the people trained themselves. To protect against defection by employees whose training is paid by the employer, a reimbursement and non-compete clause should be part of the employment contract.

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Answered on 11/08/01, 7:33 pm

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