Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Employment Discrimination

To whom it may concern:

i've been employed by a company for the last 7 years, in those 7 years i've never been given a lunch break or a 15 minute break we are not allowed to leave the room we work in. If we have to use the bathroom and the phone rings, we have to answer it while using the bathroom. I''m a smoker! For the first 4 years we were at least allowed to smoke in front of our computer, but in the past 3 years since a corporation bought the company we are no longer allowed to smoke in doors. Although, we were told we could smoke as little as possible in a unventilated 5' x 10' phone room that's attached to our office. When this happens everyone in the office that doesn't smoke makes comments that are very inappropriate and demeaning. Could you please e-mail me or call me if you feel i have any legitimate complaint to pursue a lawsuit.

Thank you very much for your time!

Asked on 5/09/01, 5:20 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Employment Discrimination

Need to speak with you to get more details before deciding if you have a cause of action.

Read more
Answered on 6/26/01, 5:47 pm

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