Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Hourly Rate Reduced

My son is electrician and working at Sugar Mill. After working l2hours/day for 2 months his hourly rate cut by $3/hour. He quit. He was told when he resigned that they were sorry to cut his salary but his supervisor stated he was not worth that amount. He

asked the supervisor and he stated he had never said

anything of the sort to the foreman of the Sugar Mill.

He was very pleased with my son's performance. We believe the supervisor. Is it legal to just cut someone's hourly rate?

Asked on 3/22/02, 11:51 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Hourly Rate Reduced

Employers still have ultimate control over who they hire and what they pay as long as it does not violate a federal or state statute. Unless there was a written employment contract or other enforcible agreement, the employer is allowed to make the pay cut. However, if the pay cut was the result of a lie, then there may be a different cause of action available.

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Answered on 3/23/02, 9:08 am

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