Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Missing money from paycheck

I have just realized that my paycheck has a 1.89% unspecified deduction after taxes. I am a part time worker with no benefits and the pay stub does not account for the deduction. On the stub it lists the Federal, FICA, and State taxes, but when you subtract that amount from the gross it is a few dollars higher (depending on the gross) than the net pay. When my boss was asked earlier (by someone other than me) he first said that he took too many taxes out & at another time he refused to answer another employee that questioned this. Where should I turn? I have not brought this to my boss' attention, because I need to know my rights. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Asked on 7/20/02, 5:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Missing money from paycheck

Only your boss can answer why the amount is deducted from your pay. So ask him. You have the right to be paid what you are owed. Depending on how many employees this is happening too, the amounts could be substantial and at the same time improper. Unless there is a logical, legal explanation for the deduction, you and all similar employees have the right to collect your money plus penalties and attorneys fees. You may wish to contact the state labor board, but all they can do is ask the boss the same questions you should ask. The fact that he did not give a coherent response to explain the deduction is very suspecious.

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Answered on 7/22/02, 9:36 am

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