Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Playing favorties?

''A friend'' was terminated from a 10 year position with a local scaffolding company at the beginning of Nov 2003. One of his supervisors (let's call him ''Joe'') got his father and brother hired. The father became president of the company and the brother fell under ''a friend's'' supervision. This young man was very lazy and refused to work, although he was making almost as much money as ''a friend'', and more money than the other yard workers. ''A friend'' always had to write this young man up, many of these write-ups disappeared once they got to ''Joe's'' desk. ''A friend'' feels that he was terminated due to the fact that he expected this young man to work and would write him up if he didn't. It seemed as if this young man was given free reign to come and go as he pleased and to work or not work as he pleased. ''A friend'' was considered a good worker and in fact had just received a raise a few months prior to termination. Would ''a friend'' have any kind of case against this company for wrongful termination or nepotism? By the way, since November, almost all of the yard workers that were there when ''a friend'' worked there have either quit or been terminated. One that we spoke with today was terminated and replaced by a friend of ''Joe''.

Asked on 2/23/04, 4:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Playing favorties?

Louisiana is an "at will" state. That is an employer can hire and fire "at will" and unless he breaks a law in the termination of an employee, then his actions are legal.

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Answered on 2/23/04, 5:48 pm

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