Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

unlawful garnishment of employee wages?

I was wondering if my employer is breaking the law by taking money out of my check and my coworkers checks because he THINKS someone threw away a case of ketchup bottles. He has no clue if someone actually threw them away. He says we are all lazy and didn't want to refill the bottles.

Louisiana state law on the matter says this:No person, acting either for himself or as agent or otherwise, shall assess any fines against his employees or deduct any sum as fines from their wages. This Section shall not apply in cases where the employees wilfully or negligently damage goods or works, or in cases where the employees wilfully or negligently damage or break the property of the employer, or in cases where the employee is convicted or has pled guilty to the crime of theft of employer funds, but in such cases the fines shall not exceed the actual damage done.

I was not negligent nor willfully throwing away bottles and even if I was he could not prove it. I just wanted to see what a professional thought. Thank You for your time

Asked on 3/17/04, 2:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: unlawful garnishment of employee wages?

It appears what he is doing is not allowable under the law. However, it is a civil matter that would require a lawsuit. Contact the department of labor and they possibly could help.

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Answered on 3/22/04, 9:53 am

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