Legal Question in Employment Law in Louisiana

Wages Cut in Half

In a previous answered question, it was stated that ''Louisiana has employment ''at will.'' ''. What does that mean? If a person was in good standing with a company, making a Profit for the company, can he/she have their wages cut in half?? Does this have anything to do with ''at will''.

Thank You.

Asked on 6/22/02, 10:33 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nick Pizzolatto, Jr. Pizzolatto Law Office

Re: Wages Cut in Half

Unless there is an employment contract spelling out the wages to be paid, or the demotion is due to some statutorily prohibited cause, then there may be nothing you can do. "At will" employment means one is employed at the will of the employer.

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Answered on 6/23/02, 11:02 am

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